As in many parts of the Philippines Hagnaya too is behind on development, infrastructure, economy and healthcare. Project "Hagnaya Health Care & Development" (H.H.C.D.) unites ideas, partners, sponsors and supporters to create healthcare solutions and development opportunities. The H.H.C.D. Project also focuses on general road and house construction, water supply, employment, power supply, agriculture, food security and education
Project Objectives
Act 1 - 2009Road ConstructionSince September 2009 Hagnaya has its fully cemented road and bus terminal which improves the general transportation services and quality of the community. The H.H.C.D. Project is involved in improving the crossroads within the barangay (village) of Hagnaya to create safer access to water sources and wells and stimulate road safety in general.House ConstructionMany families need support with their homes in order to provide themselves and their children with a safe and healthy living space. Every year heavy weather brings along roofless homes. In many cases the residents (victims) are not able to repair the damage because of the financial obstacles. The H.H.C.D. Project also wants to reach out to the homeless within the community by providing public housing.Water SupplyIn line with a safer access to water sources and wells the H.H.C.D. Project also focuses on water supply in house and road construction activities to stimulate solutions that make water supply at home possible. In many cases people still rely on the help and goodwill of a local resident, often children who, when there's no school, bring water to people's homes from a well or source, on foot using buckets.Power Supply"Brownout" - a drop in voltage, temporarily interruption of the power supply, very common in Cebu and the Philippines. Although the Pilipino people have very well adapted to this problem, in ways that Western communities have forgotten about e.g. because of the high concentration of luxury, it remains an excellent opportunity to continue the research on green energy in general and implement solutions that the results provide.EmploymentBy introducing our activities in Hagnaya, Cebu and by providing advice on e.g. agriculture and education the H.H.C.D. Project can help stimulate general employment. With respect for the community's needs and habbits this can mean more and higher levels of education for many children and teenagers in Hagnaya a nd Cebu.Investing in future generations is our n 1 priority.
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