Tuesday, August 14, 2012

repair your PS3 - PS3 repair Gude - Computers - Computer Games

Problem number 1- Flashing Yellow Light

The "yellow light of death" (YLOD) begins after a major hardware failure. Many people are convinced that 9/10 YLODs result from bad solder joints on the motherboard, while 1/10 result from power supply errors.

Try these.

1. Check if there's a loose lead, if not, restart your console.

2. Unplug all leads except the power cord, and plug them back in.

3. Update Firmware.

4. correct the Motherbord or Power Supply Unit with a PS3 repair guide.

5. mend Hard Drive

Problem Number 2 - 2 Flashing Red Lights

The "red light of death" happens after a massive Hard Drive failure. This is separate from the YLOD, as the YLOD indicates to a failure with the motherboard

Try these.

1. Check if there's a loose cable, if not, restart your console.

2. Unplug all wires except the power cord, and plug them back in.

3. Update Firmware.

4. mend Motherbord or Power Supply Unit with a PS3 repair guide.

5. mend Hard Drive

Problem number 3 Red light/Yellow

Red Light Turning Yellow errors could be with either Motherboard or hard drive failure effecting the CPU or GPU.

Fix Needed. PS3 Repair Guides can help here

Problem Number 4 - Ps3 Freezing

Was your Playstation 3 hot when the freezes happened? Or it could be with dust clogging on the game discs or not enough hard drive space

Try to cool it down by putting your ps3 off. This actually might solve the freezing problems.

Check Game Disc , wipe with real soft cloth.

Ensure 50% free hard drive space

Problem Number 5 - Ps3 Hard Drive Problems

malfunctions with your PS3 hard drive? you need to remove Hard Drive and power on. If you still see the yellow light blinking, then your hard drive has no malfunctions

Problem Number 6 - 3 Beeps

3 Beeps and Flashing Red Light Again this happens when PS3 is overheated. Or when you eject when there's no game disc inside, or eject when the game is running, or you switch off the TV before PS3 shuts off etc..

Try this

Allow PS3 to cool down, and then try to switch it on

Problem 7 - Stuck Disc Game disc stuck inside

switch off PS3 from back. Put your finger on the eject button and once you do, push the switch at the back to switch the PS3 on, and then push the eject button. Hold it like this for 15 seconds, or until the drive is forced open.

Problem 8 - Blue-ray Disc

If the Blu-Ray is not working on your PS3, then it is simply broken Do this first, try cleaning the lens, and if it doesn't work, then you will need to fix the entire drive

Problem 9 - Flashing Green Light

Firstly, it could be an problem with the HDD software, or the firmware itself, or it could be a standard fix as turning off the PS3 and resetting Do Reset, by turning off and then turn on. Or Update the Firmware 10 Firmware Issues When you turn off the PS3, while the HDD indicator light is flashing, might cause corruption. Or a game may be corrupted. Or your new firmware may be causing a YLOD. Go to the Recovery menu by turning on (you can hear 2 beeps) and restore default settings.

You can fix all your PS3 Problems at home with ease My recommended PS3 Repair guide

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