Monday, August 13, 2012

Surge protection devices (SPD) protection mode Xiang Jie - surge protective device, surge protection - Business

(713, 'Protected mode to limit transient over voltage and surge current electrical discharge it should at least include a nonlinear component Usually work in general also known as quot surge protector quot quot Surge Protector quot quot surge protector quot quot SPD quot And so on br br 2 surge protectors mode 1 What is protected mode SPD can be connected to the L with line N neutral line PE protection line between such as LL LN L PE N PE these connections known as protected mode which with the type of the power system grounding According to GB50054 95 quot Low Distribution Design Standards quot provides a grounding type power supply system can be divided into TN S system three phase five wire TN C system three phase four wire TN CS system replaced by the three phase four wire three phase five wire IT systems three phase three wire and the TT system three phase four wire Power supply Point directly connected with the load side of the exposed conductive parts of electrical installations connected with the grounding Power supply No grounding electrical contact At present the surge protectors mode most of four protected mode L PE N PE or three FireWire and protection lines respectively the neutral line and protect the cable 4 mode protection see Figure 1 the rightmost four models Also part of the whole model LL LN L PE N PE that is between three FireWire three FireWire and protection lines respectively three FireWire and neutral respectively the neutral line and protection line All models up to 10 models in the commonly used three phase star grounded in the way is the 10 model br br Common ground in the way 3 phase star shaped pattern br 2 The whole mode surge protector to protect the structure in China commonly used protective devices in 4 models reference IEC standard is commonly used in combination with 4 single chip three chip are connected to FireWire and protection of lines L1 G L2 G L3 G Another single line to connect the neutral line and the protection NG 4 mode surge protection devices did not rush current through all possible routes are to protect such as FireWire Firing between L1 L2 L1 L3 L2 L3 FireWire Neutral line L1 N L2 N L3 N The North American Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE surge protection device on a clearly defined for 3 phase 4 wire ground circuit of the surge protection equipment needs on the current line through all the possible protection they include LL LN LG NG In accordance with the IEEE standard production of North American products such as the U S JOSLYN company is all surge protectors to protect the surge protector module An example of the structure shown in Figure 2 the figure three FireWire devices through surge suppression and neutral respectively line zero line is connected three FireWire devices through surge suppression and protection of the respective line ground connected to the neutral line zero line respectively by surge suppression devices and protection line gro und is connected three FireWire by wave Chung suppression components are connected the whole mode of surge protection devices on the surge current through all possible routes have been protected br br 3 All the advantages of protected mode br 1 full mode surge protection devices on the surge current through all possible routes have been protected 4 mode surge protection device on the common mode MC can be effective over voltage protection that conductors charged phase or neutral and the protective ground earth between the over voltage Generated on the difference between the charged conductors not be over voltage protection mode such as between the three FireWire three FireWire and over voltage between the neutral line 2 is in favor of the power surge protector with protection itself Protection in the whole model and 4 modes in addition to the same three phase line L1 L2 L3 connected to the N line there are three LG the intercept with line surge current surge current diversio n can reduce the L PE NG heat surge suppression components is beneficial to network with their own surge protector protection br br 3 does not appear distorted voltage protection level and components do not match the response time problems in different grounding systems use the SPD have different access method 4 modes of surge protection device has the potential to protect the level of voltage distortion SPD that is the actual product than the product description on the level of protection level of protection is worse ')

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